Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mission Possible With Positive Mindset

Mission Possible With Positive Mindset
By Louisa Chan

Everyone, at some point of his or her life, has dreamed of being someone special, someone who makes a positive impact and difference to others; someone who contribute in a big way. When was the last time you set aside time to dream?

Is there an excitement in your life, anticipation and an aspiration? Or are we so caught up in the humdrum of living from day-to-day that we are barely existing and surviving?

But you know what? Life could be so much more, if only we aim higher, look further.

By this time, there would be loud chatters in your head telling you to exit this post or page and that all these self improvement stuff is just too hard, too impossible and takes too much out of you.

But hey, if everyone thought that, there would be no inventions, no innovations, and no breakthroughs in all of human history. But yet we had so many accomplishments!

Mankind has gone on outer space explorations. We want to explore and conquer the outer space. Perhaps it is time we start with our own inner space exploration and journey.

Where would you like to go?
What would you like to be?
What would you like to experience?

If you can have everything you need, if you cannot fail, if you have a message to tell the world, what would that be?

Scientists were baffled when they took a look at the humble bumblebee. Theoretically, they said, it was impossible for the bumblebee to fly.

Fortunately for the bumble bee, no one has told it so. So it flies happily and defy all scientific reasons.

On the other hand, we hear of the story of a big elephant, tied to a tiny pole that would not move to free himself. Why? Because the elephant has been consistently conditioned to think that he is not strong enough to free himself from the tiny little rope keeping him to the pole.

When you get down to dreaming today, dream big. Keep a healthily positive mindset.

And then let no one tell you anything negative. When we start believing in ourselves, others will back off with their negativity. They will learn to quiet down their empty and loud chatter. And if helps if we only surround ourselves with people who are positive and empowering.

So set aside time to dream today.

Do this exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down your dreams.

List down all the things you have accomplished.
List down all your strengths, natural talents and skills.
Write down all that you can do.
Write down what you will do in the next month, 3 months, 6 months to achieve your dreams.

On another piece of paper, write down all your fears, concerns and worries.

Then think about how much of these are assumptions.
How much of this is "truth".
Talk to others about the way you see your challenges.
Have you put in unchecked assumptions?
Have you made your journey more difficult that it needs to be?

Keep it simple.

Then write down what you can do to make what seems impossible possible.

That is all for today! We will talk about acting on these dreams later. Day dreaming will not get us anywhere.

Unattended dreams can become tattered and torn. Cherish and nurture your dreams by taking massive action. Renew your dreams, live your dream everyday by working towards it. That keeps me excited.

And if you find this helpful and would like to start dreaming and actualizing your dreams, then come on over for a complimentary strategy session.

Louisa Chan is a Certified Professional Coach who will work with you to co-create your success by empowering you.

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Article Source: Mission Possible With Positive Mindset

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Phone Interview With Self-Made Success Coach

From time to time I will bring on an expert to share with us insights so we can expand out views and see if the new knowledge can support us in our pursuit of an abundant life. This week, our guest Michael Tan speaks on financial literacy and strategy as a crucial ingredient to anyone seeking financial freedom. 

Most of us are good in some facets of our lives, whether it is health, work, relationships or finance. There are sub areas within each of these facets where we are very good at and some where we may not have all the latest updates and knowledge. I am always hungry for learning new things. However reading up on all areas takes up time. So I leverage on others. 

This week we look at using real estate as a tool towards financial independence. Michael has some fresh insights which he shares with his students who are now making good progress with their investment – even in this economy. 

So if you are up for this, just sign up as my guest, join us for a conversation and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments on the topic. Sign up for the Free Call on Financial Freedom here. And here's a quick presentation on what you can expect from the call.

4 Ways To Monitor Your Facebook Page Traffic

4 Ways To Monitor Your Facebook Page Traffic

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Using SlideShare To Promote Events

I did this using slideshare and it is really cool. Very easy to use and I even get to add audio if I want to - am going to explore putting in some background music later. In the mean time, let me know your thoughts on this presentation. And sign up of you want to join us.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Financial Freedom Video Glitch

My first Finance Freedoe Video! Yay, finally I did it. And guess what? After take 5 or 6, I was finally quite satisfied with it and then realize that I had not plug in the microphone.

Nevertheless I prefer to use this take than all the rest so bear with it. You will get used to tbe noise in the background after a while, it's just lovely sound of children playing in the background.

Hope you can join us, if not, opt in anyway and I will be more than happy to send you the details.