“You can do 100 cold calls to 100 people or you can gather 100 people in a room and give one warm call". Which one works better for you? http://AbundantLivesCoaching.com/public-speaking Did I had a full and satisfying Sicilian/Chinese feast! Call went to well over 90 minutes - don't worry, you won't fall asleep it is very informative and engaging.
I had an engaging conversation with Maurice DiMino The Sicilian Mentor on making Profitable Presentations. Presentations that not only convey your message across powerfully but also help you sell your ideas and visions effectively.
Maurice shared valuable tips on how to overcome the number 1 fear of public speaking, and how to turn that into your number 1 asset.
Replay still available if you register here:
Friday, May 28, 2010
Public Speaking – Fear Or Fun
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
This video shows why you're NOT...
This video shows why you're NOT...
Don't watch this video if you're one of those
people who doesn't take the "truth" well.http://www.budurl.com/amamp
...HOWEVER...If you're open to learning why...* You likely haven't built a list of over
130,000+ people (in just a few months) -OR-* Your emails likely aren't being read,
clicked or responded to. -OR-* You likely aren't making residual money
from your email list....Then watch this video:http://www.budurl.com/amampSometimes the "truth" can be what we need to
make the necessary changes to succeed.Enjoy!
LouisaP.S This video will be taken down in less
than 7 days so watch it now while it's still
up and available:http://www.budurl.com/amamp.
[NOTE: If you purchase anything through a link here
Friday, May 21, 2010
A New Approach Training From Armand
He made a 45 minutes video that sets me thinking.
You can check this out too and dig into the gems
Secrets Of Nutrition: Feed Your Body, Live Energized And Calm
I came across this article recently and thought that it brings across a poignant point that has been bugging me for a while. Since it is so well written, I just ask for permission to replublish it here. Article begins here:
"NEWS: Former Starbucks employee reveals the ugly truth about caffeine, the most-widely abused drug on the planet.
Dear Coffee Lover,
If you go straight from your bed to your coffee maker each morning, if you freak out when you run out of beans, and if you sometimes let out a sound like this, “aaaaaah yeaaaah” after your first sip of Joe in the morning…
… then you, my friend, are a coffee junkie! Welcome to the club, 3 billion strong and growing every day.
A least ½ the population is nursing a moderate-to-severe dependency on some form of caffeine. What I mean by dependency is that if you don’t have it, you’ll get a splitting migraine by noon, you’ll be severely constipated for 2 days, and you’ll be THE most unpleasant person in the office.
That’s dependency.
For most, the beverage is coffee, but I have friends who suck down enough Diet Cokes, green tea or even yerba mattes to create the exact same “nervous system fry” as a quadruple Grande Americano (and yes, that IS a real drink, and yes, I’ve had many).
Make no mistake, coffee is NOT part of a well-balanced breakfast. It’s just a pathetic substitute for what your body really wants—micro nutrients!
Here’s Why Coffee is Death to Yoga (a healthy life):
Adrenal Depletion: your adrenal glands secrete adrenalin in emergencies—like during a car accident—but when you knock back 2 shots of espresso, you’re tricking your body into releasing epinephrine and norepinephrine, the same hormones released during any crisis. So now, your body reacts to your morning commute the same way it would to a saber tooth tiger pouncing on your head. This is a totally inappropriate use of your body’s resources.
To put yourself in a “fight or flight” state of mind first thing in the morning might feel invigorating, but it also makes you irritable, unfocused, and somewhat frantic.
Increased Stress: ever notice that when you’re stressed out you can’t sleep? Logically, if you want to wake up then, you just need to get stressed out, right? This is exactly what caffeine does. It triggers very measurable stress reactions including increased heart rate, perspiration, wonky blood sugar levels, and heightened muscle tension (read: stiffness).
Do you really need more stress in your life?
Bad Mood Joe: studies have shown that caffeine intake correlates to reduced serotonin levels. Serotonin is the feel-good neurotransmitter responsible for happy people everywhere. Those with low or altered serotonin levels are usually classified as clinically depressed. But hey, at least they’re awake!
Vitamin Deficiency: An over-stimulated body is much more likely to become depleted in vitamins (vitamins ward off oxidative stress); ironically, the same vitamins that would normally provide an energy boost all on their own.
Death to Yoga: advanced yoga practice and meditation is all about balance, particularly of the nervous system. Stimulants of all kinds, and caffeine in particular, create immediate imbalances that quickly turn chronic. Not good.
Caffeine in all its forms is also a strong diuretic that leads to dehydration. Since some 75+% of the population is already dehydrated, caffeine just makes things worse. For yoga students, no water = a stiff/sore body...
There is more to Lucas' story. And the best part is that Lucas has agreed to come onto a call with me as we discuss using the right food to feed and nourish our bodies, to maintain good health and to handle stress around us. To join us for the free call, just sign up here it is free. If you cannot join us for the call, register anyway and you will have access to the recorded replay.
Lucas Rockwood us a yoga teacher trainer, a nutritional coach, a vegan chef, and writer. He studied raw food at the The Tree of Life in Arizona with Gabriel Cousens and later went on to run Caravan of Dreams, New York City’s long-standing, iconic vegetarian restaurant.
He has travelled from Los Angeles to New York City, than later in Bangkok and Hong Kong, studying, teaching and experimenting with a holistically healthy life style. Lucas has made time to share with us his secret to a healthy life style. You can then decide how far you want to go with the concepts learned.
Leave your most urgent questions for the call in the comment session below and we will have them answered on the call.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Presentations That Sells - How To Kill From The Stage
Block out May 25th 6pm Pacific/ 9pm Eastern (May 26th 9am Malaysian Time). Join Maurice the Sicilian Mentor and Louisa Chan for a specially arranged tele seminar on how to make "Presentations that Sell - How to Kill From the Stage with Confidence, Character and Charisma".
Maurice DiMino is The Sicilian Mentor. Maurice is an award winning speaker, author and mentor. He created the Sicilian Mentor Presentation Template.
Maurice has coached executives, entrepreneur and celebrities. They have used his template and they have turned their Number #1 fear, public speaking, into their number one asset, Presentations that Sell.
As a result of applying Maurice’s tips, his clients have sold more products, converted more prospects into raving fans and they have raised the awareness of causes and charities across America.
Whether it is your first speech or your 50th, Maurice has practical tips for you. Here's what you will learn form the conversation:
- Why Public Speaking Is Important
- The Number One Factor Inhibiting Effective Speeches
- How To Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking
- Common Mistakes Committed In Public Speaking
- What To Look Out For In Making Your First Speech
- How to Sell Your Ideas Without Selling
- And answers to your most pressing questions
Maurice has a special gift for those who register for this call. Leave your most important questions about delivering effective speeches in the comments section below. We'll answer as many of the most popular questions as we can.
Even if you cannot join us for the live call, register so you can have access to the replay as well as to access Maurice's generous gift to you. Talk soon!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Virtual Mother's Day Party, Bring Your Wine and Wins!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Laughter Therapy Works For Me
You have seen how smiling and laughing can help relief you from feelings of stress and depression. We are not so naive as to think that superficially simulated laughter or smiles can change our situation or provide us with the solution to the issues we are facing.
What smiling and laughing can do is to open up an avenue for us to step back from the intensely negative feelings (stress, anger, frustration, maybe even bitterness) that controls us so we are relaxed enough to reassess the situation and be in a more conducive state physiologically, mentally and emotionally to reframe our perspectives. "Facial feedback" works.
There was a time in my life when I was exhausted crying, wasted, de-motivated and could not find a reason to be happy. It was one huge disillusion after another, one big disappointment after another - after a decade of dedication and commitment. I did not feel that I had enough strength to pick myself up again to carry on. I was totally de-motivated, I do not want to do anything nor see anyone. Nothing could force a smile out of my miserable state. It would be insulting to ask me to laugh.
Way back then, I did not know about coaching. It took me a long long time to get out of my stagnant stage.
What helped? I took 2 months off work, took the plane and flew to the States. This was one month after 911, people were fearful of flying and I headed straight for US! I stayed with my sister and her family and spent time with my then tiny little baby niece. So adorable.
Just looking at baby Claire, being with her and taking her out for walks made me happy. Things seemed lighter and smiles started appearing on my face - voluntarily. What is it about babies? Her joy, hope, smiles and giggles melted my numb heart, they are contagious. Thanks sis, that was love, hope and laughter therapy in action.
Like I say the situation has not changed, but my perspective of them have. Since then I have applied humor theory to other disillusionments I face.
When I allow the “issues” to be big and paramount, they took up so much space in my life that I had not noticed other things that were going on. All I could see was the darkness and hopelessness that I focused on. What you focus on expands, remember?
But when I detached myself and made light the situation, I saw how silly I was in being naive and uninformed.
When I could laugh at myself, the issue lost its grip on me. It no longer controlled me. I could stand above the situation and know that although I have paid very expensive tuition fees I can learn and benefit from life’s lesson.
And I want to you to know that one or two unfortunate incidences along the journey of learning no matter how big need not control the rest of your life.
You are not defined by what happened to you.
There is still so much work waiting for you to do!
So whatever stress, anxiety or depression you are going through, find a way to smile and laugh. Lighten up the situation; blow it out of proportion so you see that it really is just one part of your life, not the whole entity. Then take a good laugh at yourself.
When you can laugh at yourself you have discounted the effect of the unpleasant situation and detached yourself from its control. It was after all only one mistake that you were silly enough to fall into but clever enough to jump out of!
So smile and laugh, it is contagious. It will help you and those around you. Have you gone over the 47 laughing exercises yet? Which is your favorite? There is great resources in the free report, do make use of the tips. Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it. Says Bill Crosby
If you do not feel like laughing, no worries. Start with a tiny smile. And if you rather talk about it, just call me. Sometimes a little time alone is good too.