Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why I Will Not Spend On That Thick Fat Book

Local Search or Yellow Pages

If there is a way to get more coverage with less investment for your business, would you consider it?

One common way for business owners to announce their entry or promote their presence in the market place is to get their businesses listed on Yellow Pages.

Those thick fat Yellow Pages can now be downloaded from the net - if you choose to be environmentally friendly.

Alternatively, there is also an online version of Yellow Pages which is more robust and offers much more for the fees paid. The online Yellow Pages for Malaysia can be found at

I did a simple study comparing using Yellow Pages (physical book and online) with Online Local Searches, in particular to Google Local Search and I am sharing my findings with you in this post.

The image above shows a sample page for paid listing the online yellow pages. Listings there get a lot more coverage for a fraction of the cost than if you were to be listed in the physical book. Compare these two to Google Local Places using Reach, Control, Display and Price as criteria and you get the following. Why I Will Not Spend On That Thick Fat Book ...

More information on Google Local Places here. If you like us to help you list and rank your Local Business Places just get in touch with us here.

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sowing Or Harvesting?

Sowing with a view to Harvesting

Do you start your day with a "To-Do" or what I call a "Must-Do" list.

It usually outlines what needs to get done before you wrap up for the day. It's about planting the seeds of creation and establishing a presence that makes a difference. It's about cultivating and nurturing relationships, learning new skills as well as honing in and expanding on existing expertise.

At the end of the day, I would review what I have done and what is outstanding. There are sometimes "whirl wind kind of productive days" while other days are pretty much "waste of time, waiting for red taps around inefficient systems".

Here's more:

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Thursday, April 14, 2011

R Codes Making Appearances In Kuala Lumpur

2D Bar Code

You may have seen these strange little square boxes popping up in town, on name cards, magazines, shopping windows, product packaging, clothing tags, billboards, and even on T-shirts and stationeries.

These called QR codes short for Quick Response codes. Why do you need to know about QR codes?

marketers are using this tool reach prospects and consumers, to brand and provide information.

According to this info graph put together in Jumpscan, there is with a 1200 percent increase in scanning from July to December in 2010 alone. More information here

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stiff Neck and Shoulders?

Working from hoome is great - but sitting at the desk and typing whole day is no fun. Here's some stretching that may help. Enjoy

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Be Where Your Market Is

Be Found On Local Searches 

Looking for more traffic to boost sales? 

Are you using yellow pages or newspaper advertisements? How are these media working for your?

I have just made a short 5-minute video that may be helpful to you if you are looking for more media coverage or branding.

Don't worry, if you do not know "how" to do these. Learning about these can take time and it can get a little overwhelming sometimes. But I can show you how tap into these benefits by showing you the 20% work that gives you the 80% of the benefits. And better yet get them done for you.

Just see if this synergistic marketing mix of platoforms is for you

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What Happened To The Facebook Migration Tool?

Facebook just released a tool that helps you migrate your profile account to a Facebook Pages

You can see this as Facebook “helping” business make that transition by introducing this tool. More likely, Facebook is shifting users towards terms of service compliance, as representing a business or other non-human entity with a profile instead of a Page is prohibited. 

Now, just when I was going to publish this post, I found out that Facebook has disabled the migration tool. More information here

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan