If there is a way to get more coverage with less investment for your business, would you consider it?
One common way for business owners to announce their entry or promote their presence in the market place is to get their businesses listed on Yellow Pages.
Those thick fat Yellow Pages can now be downloaded from the net - if you choose to be environmentally friendly.
Alternatively, there is also an online version of Yellow Pages which is more robust and offers much more for the fees paid. The online Yellow Pages for Malaysia can be found at www.YellowPages.com.my.
I did a simple study comparing using Yellow Pages (physical book and online) with Online Local Searches, in particular to Google Local Search and I am sharing my findings with you in this post.
The image above shows a sample page for paid listing the online yellow pages. Listings there get a lot more coverage for a fraction of the cost than if you were to be listed in the physical book. Compare these two to Google Local Places using Reach, Control, Display and Price as criteria and you get the following. Why I Will Not Spend On That Thick Fat Book ...
More information on Google Local Places here. If you like us to help you list and rank your Local Business Places just get in touch with us here.
Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan