3 Important Updates From Facebook and Google This Week That Will Change The Way You Do Business

A - Facebook release 5 different admin roles with different admin rights.
What does that mean for you?
That means you now can decide how you want to delegate functions and responsibilities for managing your Facebook Business Page while maintaining control of permissions and rights for each of the administrators instead of giving them all the same level of rights. This is especially helpful if you outsource your marketing of Facebook to external consultants or agencies.
B - Facebook now allows you to schedule status updates ahead of time - for up to 6 months and in increments of 10 minutes. You need to schedule your updates at least 10 minutes after the time you create the update. Why is this useful? There are many good reasons you may want to schedule your status updates (check out this post).
If you have been using third party apps to do this you would have noticed that less of your status updates reach your audience. With the new feature which is from within Facebook, I am going to guess that Facebook will give preference to posts scheduled with this way than those done using third party apps.
At the moment, the "reach" count is not shown if you use Buffer or Hootsuite but it is shown when I use Facebook's internal scheduling function.
C - Google just dropped us a another piece of news after the recent Google Penguin update.
Your Google Local Business Listing will soon be a thing of the past. Yes, Google is retiring its very own Google Local Pages and replacing it with Local Google+ Page.
Ok That is a mouthful. But what does that mean to you?
If you are a local business or know someone who has a local business then you will be affected in these ways:
1 -Ranking on local search will take into consideration social factors gathered on your new Google+ Local Page (on top of the existing factors).
2 - Entries on these pages will be indexed by Google, that means Google+ Local Page will help rank your business in search results.
3 - Read original article here
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Posted via email from Louisa YS Chan | Abundant Lives Coaching