Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sleep Glorious Sleep

I admit that I do not have good sleeping habits and I pay the price for it. Yet a healthy detox includes getting a good night's sleep

Just last night I found my asleep on my sofa sitting up!

That's after a week of "torturing"my body with lack of sleep, I depleted my "sleep" account.

This morning I woke up with headache, sore throat and pain in  my lymph node just below my jaw. I believe toxic level has accumulated and needs to be flushed out.

 Today's aim - get to sleep before 12, drink m fill of water, eat my fruits and sweat it out. I look forward to tonight's sleep because I feel that I can still use some sleep now...

Having trouble sleeping?

I admit that I do not have good sleeping habits and I pay the price for it.

Today's aim - get to sleep before 12, drink m fill of water and sweat it out. I look forward to tonight's sleep because I feel that I can still use some sleep now...


Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Productivity Tool, My Presentation And A Little Bit of Fun

OK, so I played with Prezi and came up with this short presentation. I have to say, it is easy to use and saves me time with formatting and I get my message out in a visual way. 

In face I even included a YouTube video in the presentation "slides' if you can call it that.

Let me know what you think.

By the way it did not post to facebook page very well but I manage to manually direct it to a link. Wonder if this is the future of presentation?

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Simple Presentation On Why We Need A Healthy Cleanse- Your Food Can Kill or Build You

Here's a simple explanation of why you want to regularly detox.
Click the "<" Button so you start from the beginning then press" >" to play or you can choose to Auto Play. Enjoy

A Healthy Cleanse Is Not Just Mixes And Shakes - Cleansing Diet Includes Nourishing Food

Body detox or cleanse does not mean just taking mixes and shakes, or even bentonite clay! It also includes eating the right kind of food, drinking clean water and juices that cleanses your body and nourishes it.
You need to rid your body or excess toxins as well as build your cells to restore, heal, grow and improve your immune system.
Listen to this:

Cleansing does not have to be unpleasant.
Life carries on as you do a natural body detox.
And as you detox:
You will feel lighter, happier and you can even think more clearly. Your skin will improve, your bad breadth will go away, and so will some of your fat. And I can’t think of a better natural anti-aging agent than this – combine this with yoga and you will feel like a different person!
You can take charge of your own health and wellness. If you do not see why you need to do a natural body detox or how to do a total cleanse, fear not. It is not complicated.
You can get some information here and then decide if you want to go for some cleansing.
Think of it as maintenance. Your organs have been busy filtering toxins for years. They need a break too. Some maintenance and down-time is good for the long haul. Clean up the inside, with some fine-tuning and then you are ready to go – with more energy and vitality.
Know what food to avoid and what food to eat. Eat to nourish and build your body, eat for energy, eat to e happy. Do not eat because of cravings, do not eat for mere taste or short-term pleasure. Do not eat to dull your emotions, you are worth so much more than that!
Get the report and I’ll see you on the inside!

Why Detox? I need food

Monday, September 27, 2010

Productivity Tool to help me prepare for my next Presentation

Thinking of my next presentation and I am thinking Prezi. I embedded one here so you get to see this guy in action.

Isn't it cool? Another free tool that will make my work more productivity. Enjoy!

Why Natural Body Detox or Natural Cleanse?

We detoxify and cleanse for health, vitality, and rejuvenation. We cleanse our body to clear symptoms, treat disease, and prevent future problems.



A total cleanse program is an ideal way to help you re-evaluate your life, make changes, or clear abuses and addictions.


Withdrawal happens fairly quickly, and as cravings are reduced you can begin a new life without old addictive habits or drugs.


Detoxification is helpful for weight loss, although this is not the primary purpose. The body stores toxins in fat cells. When you cleanse your body these toxins are more easily released from their fat stores.


Since you then become less toxic, your toxin stores (the fat) are not as necessary and, thus, your body can rid itself of excess, unnecessary fat.


ca2ccdfc6ef004e Why Natural Body Detox or Natural Cleanse?Weight loss occurs on a cleanse simply because there are fewer calories being consumed. Since weight loss boils down to creating a caloric deficit, eating less overtime is a simple way of losing weight.


We also do a detox and total cleanse to rest and heal our overloaded digestive organs. This is often an overlooked, yet very important, area considering optimal health truly begins with the health of our digestive system.


Aside from the internal health benefits, detoxification can also be a great catalyst for external change. For instance, it can provide a great opportunity to reflect and re-evaluate what’s most important to you.


It can serve to help you cleanse your house, your work, your relationships. After a cleanse, you will even feel more organized, more creative, more motivated, more productive, more relaxed, and more mentally focused and clear.



So, if you want more energy, greater vitality, more youthful and radiant skin, and greater health for life, then cleansing should be a regular (annual or semi-annual) part of your life.



Yuri Elkaim is a renowned fitness, nutrition, and weight loss expert. He is a registered holistic nutritionist and the co-creator of the Total Wellness Cleanse. For information visit visit

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Learning to have single-hearted focus; a case of mono vs multi?

Dedicated to the Single-Hearted - Are You Doing Mono or Multi?

‎Any musician would have great motor co-ordination. You need to do different things with each hand (fingers even) and your legs could be playing to a completely different rhythm - And you could be singing or blowing an instrument at the same time too.

Just for fun, try this - draw a circle with your left hand and a triangle with your right at the same time - that's conducting 101 ... Music is fun, love it.

Multi-tasking is not new. In fact many of us have been training to multi-task. Work-at-home-moms, well working moms in general are really good at multi-tasking (dads too, sometimes one wears more hats than the other).  The number of balls they juggle in the air amazingly stay in the air - kudos. Unfortunately there is a price to pay. They need to balance and harmonize those balls and they need to relax and re-charge whenever they can for the long haul.  

For years I have been doing live simultaneous translations and playing the keyboard at the back of the hall and I could never understand why I felt so drained after wards. Those were the days ...

Granted that some sort of multi-tasking is unavoidable, I am now learning a new skill - mono tasking.

I rather work on one thing at one time, complete it and move onto the next than do 2 things at the same time.  Multi-tasking drains you of resources, and you don't see results as fast.

Stay single, stay focus. Attempting to do too many things at one time will force you to divide your attention and you will feel pulled in different directions and scattered. Trust me, I know that feeling. So prune and trim your activities and keep life simple.

Please click "Like" if you find this article helpful and click "Book Mark and Share" or "Share This" if you'd like others to also benefit from it. They will be grateful and so will I! Thank you and enjoy!

Additional Resource: I found this article that I resonant with. It is comforting to know that I am not the only one reversing to being simple and focus ...

Friday, September 24, 2010

I am going to rid my body of toxins & chemicals built up

You may want to do that too - after you read this

If we need to clean our house every week, I think our body deserves a spring cleaning too.!.html





Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

I am not tecky but I love it when technology helps me do my work more efficiently!

Have you tried Evernote? I started using it couple months ago and found it so very helpful.

You see I have documents saved in different folders sometimes even on different disks. That's because I like to keep valuable information for later reference.

But many times they are not accessible because I am on the move or using a different computer/mobile device.  

Enter Evernote (  It's in the cloud, it's secured, it's easy to use, it captures even images and url and it is f.r.e.e. 

Remember to tag your files that  will make searching easy peasy.

Enjoy what technology brings, after all you are concerned with getting things done the easy, no stress way.

Have a great weekend!


Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

What Is Working Smarter? What 2 things are most important to a solo entrepreneur / small business owner?

Here's a nice article write up

Transitioning from expert and consultant in corporate work to a solo entrepreneur has its challenges - I can tell you they are 2 different games! Working from home can be overwhelming!

But once you get the hang of it, you will enjoy the discipline it demands of you as well as the flexibility and freedom it allows you.

What to you are the  most important tasks in building your sole or small business?

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To my friends worldwide celebrating mid autumn / moon cake / lantern festival ...

To my friends worldwide celebrating mid autumn / moon cake / lantern festival, 中秋月圆, 祝中秋节快乐! To the clan who are in faraway land, have a great time tonight. 'Somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light ...' 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If it's not a "No" it's a "Not Now"

If you don't succeed on your first attempt, just know that it is not a No, it's just Not Now. Keep going, persistent and consistency will get you there!

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Get your own DA now

Working from home? Take your time back!

Working from home involves a playing a different game You can either lose time by doing countless activities and yet not be productive or you can be so involved in your passionate work that you lose track of time and space - and sleep and health! This post will help put some boundaries in place. Enjoy your work at home - enjoy life!

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Frequent Flyer? Here's Productivity On The Go

In fact I don't use 'Word' much these days. Saving, transferring and files just eats up time. Mobile users - you are going to love it.

10 minutes here and there can be put to productive use building your reference material or staying on top of things ...

Productivity while on the road / travelling is great. Fan of Evernote (and Google docs).

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Technology and Relationships

According to women are more likely to both "tend" (care for children, family and friends) and to "befriend," that is, connect more to friends and family when stress levels increase.


Tend and Befriend is a phrase coined by Shelley Taylor

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Celebrate after you completed your tasks

Do you celebrate your accomplishments? Your wins?

Try doing that and it will fuel you for more successes.

I feel so good after completing a task that has been sitting in my in try for weeks.

So how are you going to celebrate your wins?


Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Monday, September 13, 2010

Just Do It

I needed an unmovable deadline (like a "gentle reminder" form the editor) to help me finish a script that has been sitting in my "To Do" box for days. I do not need more time, I just need to work on it and get it out. 

What's sitting in your "Pending Box"?

I bet you can complete one piece of top priority work if you just focus on it for 90 minutes. Then send it to the "Sent" box and celebrate!

Just do it, just work on it, it will get done miraculously.

Now I need to work on translating that piece of work before I send it to the "Sent Box" ...

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Strategies for Managing Stress at Work - Tips from Working Women

Simple, doable and I totally agree with the author here

  • De-clutter your office and your closet/store room and feel the difference!
  • More water, less caffeine - limit to 1 cup of coffee if you must, more fruits, more greens ...
  • Get more sleep - you'll be more fresh and focus and can get more done - productivity!
  • Talk about your stress - find a support groups - you need to get the stress out of your system ...

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Quotes for today

‎"Fear is a Reaction, Courage is a Decision" ~ W Churchill. 
"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow" ~ R. Osborn

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Rainbow Within Is Waiting To Dazzle ...

Some of us may be familiar with the words, set to the pictures, this becomes so much more powerful.


Now try this. Close your eyes and just listen to the music, the entire score, not just the melody, not just the piano but the percussion as well as the strings. Listen to how the piece unfolds and develops ...

Do you hear the under water current of a seemingly still water surface? The octaves as well as the running arpeggios of the strings? A minor key that is dynamic that finally finds peace ... 

I hope you too are inspired by the color and texture of the composition and the orchestration. And I am thankful for people that allow their rainbows to dazzle my world.

Let Your Light Shine!

The words are beautiful, the photography is breath taking, the music brings out the soul of the message. Imagine what we can collectively do s we let Our Light Shies!

A little unusual from my normal post but I just can't sharing this with you ...

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Restore Your Energy - Breathe, Stretch And Bend

Stress Management and Relaxation Tips - Seated Forward Bend and Raw Food

If you are 
feeling a little stressed out and tired or if you are suffering from tight shoulders and hamstrings (from sitting in front of the desk most of the day), there is a simple stretching "exercise" that you can do to help you relax and restore your energy. And you do this sitting down, how cool is that? 

It's the seated forward bend. It it said to stretch the spine, shoulders and hamstrings as well as sooth headache and reduces anxiety and fatigue. As you stretch, breathe and bend forward, it calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.

It is a restorative exercise that anyone can do when they feel tensed or tired. Relax with a simple forward bend, breath and rejuvenate. 

Some say that forward bend 
stimulates and massages the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus and therefore helps digestion and relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort. 
The key here is not to aim for a perfect pose, nor to force your body beyond where it can go now. 

Go gentle, take deep breathes, lift and stretch, lengthen and bend. Lucas' demonstration will walk you through this restorative pose (plus some bonus tips on getting real nutrients to feed and rejuvenate your body). Doesn't the fresh colors of raw food look inviting?

As a learner I find the following to be good reminders for me:
1. Do not push, but work with your body and it will lengthen slowly but surely.

2. You will reap the benefits even if you cannot bend forward too much. Breathe, lift, stretch, lengthen and bend.

3. Enjoy, this is your DIY relaxation time. We can wipe away those frowns for a while.

So this is your stress management and relaxation tip for the day. Remember to take time-out between chunks of focus work and you will have clearer mind and increase productivity.

Sign up here for more tips on managing your stress.  By being on my Priority Notification list, you will also be automatically notified of coming tips to help you manage your facebook productivity without stressing out ...

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sending Large Files The Stress-Free Way

Online Productivity Tips - Stress-Free Guide For Sending Big Files Securely

Do you have an audio or video file that you want to share with someone who is half way across town (or the world for that matter)? And you would like to do that in a quick, simple, safe and free way?

I hear you. There are various services that would allow you to transfer large files over the internet. Here's a video that will help you do just that.  Just follow the steps outlined here.


1. There is a limit to the size of the file (2GB here). 

2. There is an expiration date. 

3. You have options for more secured file transfer.

This has been your tip for sending big files over the internet using simple, stress-free, safe and free method right from the comfort of your desk.

By the way, if you are not on my priority notification list, you can sign up here to get more tips on managing your work stress.  By being on my Priority Notification list, you you will also be automatically notified of coming tips to help you manage your facebook productivity without stressing out ...

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who Needs A Facebook Page?

Facebook Page - For Those Who Wants To Promote A Brand or Services

This is Facebook 101 for newbies - so don't expect to see mumbo-jumbo and complicated in-depth study here (there's a place for that).

500 Millions people are using Facebook, about 70% of the users are outside the United States with more than 70 translations available on the site now. 

Some are using Facebook to their advantage, some are not.   

My intention is to share with you the basics of what works for Facebook - whether you are using it on a personal level or for your business.  I see fundamental things that once changed can bring you much benefit and leverage. If left unchanged, they can cost you dearly in terms of your privacy, safety, time and effort.

Imaging building a large base of "friends" on your account only to get the Facebook slap (they close down your account). You have just wasted your time and effort in building your database!  Imagine having your personal data shared online - we do not want to go there either! So to use this social media tool properly, we need to know some guidelines and play within the rules.

"There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught". ~J.C. Watts

We have seen why we do not want to have more than 1 personal Facebook profile account. We also do not want to use the profile page as a business entity i.e. not use your business entity name for your profile account and not conduct business activities using it either.

To do any form of promotion and branding, you can make use of the Facebook Page - which is also free and easy to set up and use.  Here are some reasons why you will want to have a page: 

  • Unlimited number of "fans" as supposed to  limit of 5000 friends on your profile account
  • Promotion using links are allowed so you can conduct business activities (this is not allowed in your profile account) 
  • Pages are public and are indexed by search engines and are part of Google Real Time Search. This means if you have a conversation around your business niche using certain keywords, these key words becomes your tool for bringing free traffic to your site. How? When others do a search online (using Google or Bing) and type in your keyword, your page could show up (depending on the keyword match and competition which I will not go into here). Doing this on your profile account does not have the same effect. 
  • Watch this short video and get an overview of what you can control.


    These are great tools that can greatly help you whether you are a Coach, an Author, Trainer, Stay-At-Home-Mom, Work-At-Home-Mom, PA/VA or an offline business owner.  Often it does not require you to do a lot more to get great results. If you know the rules and play within the game you can leverage on technology and automation. How is it possible that solo entrepreneurs are thriving with productivity without a team? They know how to leverage and streamline critical processes. That is why I am so attracted to technology ...

    The key to success in life and business lies in discipline and consistency. Market leadership and expert authority is not built over night. And believe me, you ARE marketing and selling yourself everyday, in every situation whether you are in "Business" and "Sales" or not. You need to consistently and regularly create and provide content and value to your market, build relationships and trust before any other endeavors. Laying the right foundation using technology helps you move in the right direction with great leverage.  

    If you find this helpful I invite you to press "share" or "like" at the end of the post. Someone will be glad you share this with them. And s
    tay in touch with updates of new videos and tips by signing up to be on my VIP priority list or subscribe to the Abundant Lives Coaching pageYou will find lots of useful tips and inspiring posts/articles prepared for you that may not be made available to the general public. 

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Keeping Fit and Keeping Time

Dreaming Big Begins With Opening Up Our Heart And Mind

Everyone has dreams. They may be big or small, overtly stated or secretly held, clearly defined or vague but yes everyone has dreams. Here's an exercise that you could do and let the facts tells you how much you HAVE accomplished, and how much MORE you can do. Ready?

'I Do Not Know How I Can Accomplish'? or 

 'What I Need to Do to Accomplish My Dreams'?

To Your fulfilling success!


Posted via email from | Louisa Chan