Friday, April 30, 2010

Aren't You Lucky To Be Successful?

Boy, are you lucky to be enjoying all these success financially, physically and in your relationships?
Well, see what Brian Tracy has to say about "luck".

If you consistently set goals, learn more about your business and yourself, give value, treat others well, eat healthy food and regularly exercise you can't help but succeed.

Just continue to take massive actions even in the plateau and watch the next wave come!

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

4 Core Ingredients For Exponential Productivity

Find out the 4 Core Ingredients for being more productive, more focused, more creative and resourceful. So you can attract more leads, more sales, live a more healthy and balanced lifestyle.

The leader who works most effectively, do not say ‘I’ but ‘we’", Peter Drucker

Synergy comes from 2 Greek words: "syn" which translates as "with" or "together" and "ergos" which means "work". συνεργός means the working together of. Synergy is coined by Buckminster Fuller.

Action Item: Take up the challenge and experience great team synergy

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let The Don't Quit Poem Speak

Have you tried reaching for your goals, working hard at it, adjusting, making sacrifices, and now you are tired, discouraged and about to give up?  I understand that feeling too well, but don't quit - yet.

Don't Quit PoemGrowth comes from seeking new frontiers, getting out of the comfort zone and into the learning zone.  

The challenges we face today are not the challenges we faced a year ago.  We have progressed. Agree? 

But perhaps we are so busy working on getting over the present hurdle that we have not sat down to notice how far we have come. This is a continuous journey of learning, growing and maturing.

Take a breather, refresh yourself with a good supply of water, nutrients, rest, sunshine, laughter, family and friends and then you will be ready to move on again.

Here's a beautiful poem that you may already have heard. I first saw this in my teens at a book store and I copied the verses. So glad technology know enables us to tap into these resources. Let the music and the words refresh and strengthen your soul for the journey ahead.

The original video site can be found here. When the words sink in you will find renewed energy to go for the next lap.  If you are looking for some inspirational and motivational material, here's one on perspective of life that I like.

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Abundance at Half Tank

Today I met with a lady that runs an association which helps single mothers find their ways in the world. The changes in their circumstances meant that they need to adapt and to address the many practical issues of daily life - without the aid of a partner.

As I listened to the sharing faced by these single mothers, I got a glimpse of some their challenges. And the questions that ran through my mind the entire time of the conversation were:

Have these single mothers been left out of the realm of abundance?
Have they somehow been " victimized" therefore never to experience abundance?
Can these single mothers experience and live a life of abundance given the circumstance that they are in?

Put in another context, for those of us who are facing tough times and challenges (personally or in our work and business), we may sometimes feel insecure and incomplete, and the same doubts may race through our minds.

We often wonder if we have what it takes to do the work before us.
We wonder too if we can add value to others when we are not yet perfect or successful.
And we question ourselves if we can really do "it" on our own.
Too often the little voice in our head casts doubts and fears into our minds.

Well, I have a picture I hope to impress on your mind today.
The next time the little voice shouts in your earn and tries to cast doubt and fears, ask this questions: Can a car at half tank run at full speed and function just as well as one that is running at full tank?
The answer is a resounding "Yes".

Yes, you can say that again.

Now that challenges us to take a second look at the meaning of abundance.  Do we need to be at our fullest capacity before our abundance overflow and we make an impact on those around us?

No, we can start right where we are.  We just make sure we put in more that we use up. We need to continuously feed our minds, our souls, our bodies and do whatever it takes to be at our best, and that half tank will be good enough to do whatever we have set out to do.

Just keep going, half tank is quite a lot really.  Use it wisely whether it is in your relationship, your work or your health.

We don't want to wait for full tank before we start the engine.  Because we want to make use of what we already have now.  We do not know when 'fullness of abundance" will come, perhaps it is already here.

Massive actions without reservations in the way we live and work will generate momentum and lead us to continuous progress and success.  When we use the little that we have, we will miraculously find more to go on with. But, stop taking actions and we will be stagnant.  That half tank if kept and not used will serve no purpose.  "When we are not growing, we are dying".

There is no need to wait until you are filled to the brim and at your fullest capacity before the work you do can make a difference in others' lives. It is time to let go of self sabotaging thoughts and enjoy your life and your work.

Start impacting lives now with whatever you have been given, albeit at half tank. This is Abundance that overflows at half tank.

It is so important to keep your momentum and continue to take massive actions that I have set up a formula that will help you do just that. You can be making great progress and enjoying life no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. Ignite the engine now and the car will run.

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

A Life Time Of Success In A Year?

"You can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a life time if you depended entirely upon your own effort for your success", Napolean Hill.

How is that possible? When 2 or more people work in harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose and when they tap into others' education, skills, experience, expertise and even influence and assets in carrying out their plans in life through masterminding.  

Masterminding is beneficial to all who participates, including those whom you influence.  Listen carefully to what Napolean Hill has to say about mastermind:


"There is no such thing as something for nothing.  Everything has a price tag to it.
Everything including your personal success has a price to it that has to be paid.
The only price you are required to pay for the present is the effort to kick start your success".

If you too are looking to join a mastermind team today then here's one that follow the exact process that Andrew Carnegie uses in his own home mastermind.  You can start fast tracking your success
in an area you choose. Wouldn't this be a great start to 2010?  But hurry, time is ticking and spots are limited!

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

When You Are Drowning, Let Go And Float

It is the crazy time of the year when everyone (or most) are busy and stressed out with shopping lists, planning, organizing, arranging, baking, decorating, and well playing and partying too.  And with that lots to plan and get done.  Those frantic last minute projects for year end functions and promotions throws you out on the timeline, especially when you already have tons on your plate.

Take a deep breadth and let it out.

Ok, thank goodness we have free and instant stress-relief at our finger tips. These whirlwinds of requests and demands come and go.  And because everything is presented as urgent and important, we crank up all our energy to attend to these demands and that leaves us in exhaustion and desperation.  It sucks so much energy out of us to get things done at break neck speed that we are left exhausted.

Sometimes you wonder how you are going to cope as demands continue to increases and you do not know where to start.  Chaos leads to anxiety and overwhelm.  And then you can not think clearly and panic sets in. And before you know it, more demands are piling up and you feel that you are sinking, maybe even drowning.

And so you struggle to desperately paddle and kick with all your mights so you can stay afloat and not sink.  The harder you kick, the more tired you get, and the more desperate the whole situation gets. It seems like an endless struggle and you wish you can just stop the whole motion and disappear somewhere and not have to deal with the pressing situations.

Survival skill number 1 - stop and take a deep breath.  Listen to your own breadth.  If you are panting, having short and shallow breadth, you need to slow down.  And take a few long deep breadths.  

This gets more oxygen to your head and you can think more clearly.  Then go to survival skill number 2, which is to Relax and Let Go.

There are things you will need to let go of, before you are consumed by the madness of concurrent demands from all directions.  Some are urgent and important wile others are not.  You will need to sit down and take a second look at everything laid out on the table.  What will you do and what will you let go?

You decide which will bring more value and benefits and has longer lasting effect. In the busy-ness of the moment, it is easy to lost focus and you will want to take on the whole world.  Well, you cannot do that unless you are super man.  Even super man has a normal human life at times.  So relaxed and when you are in a calm state you can be and perform at your best.  That's just how the law of nature works.

Survival Skill Number 3 - Float.  There is no need for kicking and screaming, it does not get you anywhere except to further tire you out.  As you kick and scream, you are tensing yourself you, you clutch onto more props and your baggage becomes heavier and you will sink.  Instead, lie back and float. When you let go and create space,  you become lighter, and you can stay afloat your challenges and worries and pressures. Enjoy the float, it will refresh you for the long haul.

Try it and get more tips here.


Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Group Coaching For Endless Colorful Possibilities

End of the year is great time for review and reflection and making of new plans. I started jotting down events of the year. I question why some of these happen, I do not understand the complexities when I am seeking simple straight forward answers. I see constant changes in the landscape and life seems too complicated!

Individually, these events seem disjointed, but put together they seem to tell me a story. You see, when I take my storyboard of 2009 and put in different reflecting mirrors at different inclined angles and I see a different picture. So now, not only the story changes each time I rearrange the events, the entire picture changes if I use different mirrors (with different properties) and if I incline them at different angles to each other. This is my kaleidoscope with endless possibilities.

We all know what a kaleidoscope is. It is an optical device made up of multiple inclined mirrors that reflect images of bits of colored glass or other objects in a design. The design changes each time you rotate the section containing the loose fragments. The magic is in the mirrors
. Different mirrors have different properties and depending on the different angles of inclination you see a different picture.

For this reason I join different groups for my personal and business development. Each time I bring my questions or challenging issues to the group I get new interpretations and some different perspectives. Some of these pictures are totally refreshing and new to me. The power of reflecting mirrors

Let us draw some lessons from the kaleidoscope:
1 - Your mirror will only reflect what is there already with the same angle of incline; they do not create or make up the content.

Application: the next time you do not like what you see reflected back at you from the mirror, please do not smash the mirror. Your friend or accountability partner is merely reflecting not creating the image.

2- When rays are reflected from a rough surface, they are reflected in many directions and no clear image is formed. Similarly, rays that are reflected from a smooth surface, gives you a clear image.

Application: seek the right kind of mirrors in your life. It is no use trying to get a mirror that makes us look fit when we need to work out and be conscious of living a healthy lifestyle. Without knowing the "truth" we cannot make improvements.

We are great at deceiving ourselves; we believe what we want to believe. Sometimes when the truth hurts too much, we choose to avoid, deny or hear what we want to hear and see what we want to see.

If you are near the dye vermilion, you will be stained red, if you are close to black ink, you will be stained black. - Chinese Proverb. 
Choose your company wisely.

3- Image is reversed in the mirror left to right. What you see is a switch. We know what we feel and how we feel. And we also want to observe how others feel from where they stand. Being in a group and having different perspectives helps us see us through the eyes of others; we become our own observer. 

Application: The situation is (or we are) not as "bad" or as "good" as we think. Others will offer you a different story. 

4- What you see in the mirror is a virtual image; the pattern in the kaleidoscope is beautiful but not real. To make it real, we have to actualize it. We need to make it happen, create the reality of the picture you see, and yes we can not run away from the goals, the plans and the executions.

So whether you want to make sense of what is happening or that you want to have more mirrors offering you reflections from different angles, you can consider being a part of a group.

if you are not up for a more business-like mastermind group, you can join an online group with group coaching facilities.  Here you are given the opportunity to have your views expanded, you are given time to realise your own answers, to see things from different perspectives and you are given the space and time to go a little deeper and make some sense out of the complexities you see around you.

How would you want to develop your story in 2010?
By the way, I am sure you carry a mirror in your bag, there may also be one on your desk, so let this be a year of reflecting mirrors! 

Leave your comments, share your light and input for our kaleidoscope!

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

You Cannot Change The Economy, But You Can Change Your Philosophy

When I heard that Mr Jim Rohn had passed us on on the 5th Dec, I know he will be greatly missed.  I went to his quotes and was savoring the width and depth of the wisdom of his teaching.

I had read these words before, but they now speak to me in a different way. Profound wisdom drawn from everyday yet delivered with such unassuming simplicity and sincerity!

This is a 6-minute video that can be be life-changing for you. Grab your coffee, take a deep breadth and be open to receive and absorb ...


Some golden quotes from this video include:
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

"Things don't cost too much, you can't afford them."

"If you want to reach things on the higher shelf you have to stand on the books you read."

"Success is something you attract by the person you become, not something you chase."

"Your income is directly related to your philosophy not your economy."

"Not to search for the exotic until you have discovered the basics. The basic disciplines is personal development."

This last quote reminds me of the "wax on and wax off" process prescribed by the kung-fu master to the rookie apprentice. It is so important to work on the basics before we flap our wings to fly. And as you work hard to lay the foundations (which is often below the ground and may not have results to show), know that the exotic will one day come; when we have mastered the basics.

Feel free to share your thoughts or press tweet below so others can also benefit from our collective comments.

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan


Hot off the press, this is best exercise I have seen!

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Step by Step Productivity Tips To Manage Overwhelm Versus Information Overload

So I made my first web video.  Quite honestly, I am still not sure if it was worth the effort. You will have to tell me.

Would you rather that I speak through the 30 seconds? Or would you rather I write a long mail explaining what the videos home study is about?

In case you are wondering what I am referring to, here's the video - let me know your comments, it will help me know if I should do more or less of these.  Thanks for your feedback.

When I was trying to produce this video (as well as the home study videos for managing work related stress) I ran into issues at almost every corner.  It was not a simple case of pressing the record button.

I had no idea of what is involved, the different software to use, the resolutions, the rendering, the encoding, the player, the format, the hosting, the bandwidth, the speed of loading, security ... you get the idea.

I googled for information, I visited forums and I asked. It was a tedious project. And then I remembered that I had signed up for a video editing course sometime back! Confession time, this is the one program I had bought and not made use of till recently.

Lessons learned?  Many. And I will only highlight two here:
1 - There is a huge amount of free information out there - if you know where to look.  And if you are willing to put in the effort to digest and try, you can do almost anything you want.

2 - It takes a lot of trial and error to experiment, adjust and refine. Knowing is different from implementing. If I had given up at any point in time when I hit an implementation issue, all prior effort leading up to the last stage would have been wasted.

Looking back, I could have produced the same video in at least half the time if I had resorted to the video course.  It had all the information I need filtered and structured for me in an organized way taking me through the process of learning this new skill step by step.

Can I do it on my own? I guess I did, in some long and winding way.
Would I have been able to do it more elegantly and gotten better results faster? You bet!

So here's the thing. There is a lot of information out there on any topic under the sun, yet you would benefit most if you tap into a structured course. 

Learning from a well thought-out curriculum with proved processes does not undermine your capability do this on your own. Nor is this a waste of your precious money. In fact it saved me a lot of time and gave me better results. I am paying for it either way, either in monetary terms or otherwise.

If you are experiencing overwhelm from your work, constantly interrupted by your smart phone, the gadgets and the on line chats, then check out this report.  There are also videos on demand to help you (after you leave your email and name).  Every interruption will cost you at least 20 minutes to get back on track.  Interruption costs US 900 billion a year in lost productivity. 

Research tells us that every 11 seconds we are distracted and loaded with more information. 28% of a typical work day is lost due to distractions.  To manage this interruptions and sense of overwhelm, you can implement strategies and tips outlined in the course. Time is one commodity you cannot afford to waste.

In the final analysis, it is taking action in what you know that counts. When you implement the concepts and have "implementation questions", you can bring these questions to the live coaching sessions. Are you ready for a more productive and less stressed-out this year?

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Your Thoughts And Your Reality

One minute can seem like a really long time when we are trying to focus or "endure".  When we are faced with situations that are less favorable, there are different choices that we can make.

Each decision will bring with it different outcomes. Many times we may be able to change the situation, sometimes we cannot.  The more you want to change the situation the more frustrated and stress-out you get.  So what do you do? 

Coaches and NLP people talk of reframing and taking a different perspective. Reframing or adopting a different perspective is not an escape route to avoid reality, but a way to master our mind and the voices that are trying to control us. This young Ninja has an insight for us.  

Action item:
- What are the flies bothering you right now?
- How do you maintain the peace and calmness in your heart?
- What actions or behaviors will get you the results you want?
- How can you maintain focus doing what you have set out to do and not let the flies distract you?

Emotion is a powerful thing and having control over our emotions is more important that we realize. Uncontrolled emotions can lead us astray.  Try reframing and get into your most powerful and resourceful state.  Remember too that what you focus on will expand. So what will you focus your energy on? That which bothers you or the result which you want to create?

Ancient Chinese sages have a saying for us: when the heart is calm and quiet, you will naturally feel "cool" (心靜自然凉). So what is your reality today?   

If you find this article helpful, press "share" or "retweet" if you have a twitter account.  Your friends will be glad you share this with them. 

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

How Do I Find My Coach?

You may have heard that this is the International Coaching Week and are wanting to have an experience of being coached. How do you look for the coach that works best with you?

Great question! There are many criteria. I have some write up here that you can refer to.  Each person places different weights on the 11 competencies that the International Coach Federation sets out for certified coaches.

The core competencies include following a code of ethics, establishing trust, creating awareness, designing actions, goal setting, setting up accountability structures, questioning and listening skills etc. What is most important to your selection?

And what woudld you want to be coached on?

Best way to find the coach that brings out the best in you and your work is to try one out! Most coaches will offer a trial session, especially this week!  Have fun and let me know what you think.

And oh, I have a special package designed for the International Coaching and Valentines Week, so check it out before 10th February for a fabulous start to the year! Details on the other side after you opt in!

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

It's The Lunar New Year!

What does Chinese New Year Mean To You?

Good question huh? And this is not a festivity celebrated by all. Yet Verizon Wireless actually opened a Lunar New Year Essay Contest with this topic to kickoff the Year of the Tiger for those in California and Seattle.

The Lunar New Year is a time of great festivity and celebration. Everything loud and colourful is associated with it. The red packet, red clothing, red banners, red paper cuttings on doors, the fireworks and fire crackers and yes the lion dances too.

When I think of the Lunar New Year I associate it with 3 things, the first of which is Spring.

The Lunar New Year is sometimes referred to as the Spring Festival. While the first day of spring in the U.S. is considered to be around March 20 or 21, the official first day of Spring according to the Chinese lunar calendar fell on February 4th (立春). With that, the Year of the Tiger has taken over from the Year of the Ox.

Spring time is when flowers begin to bloom and animals come out of hibernation. It signifies life and vitality. The Chinese have a saying too that "A day’s planning is done in the morning while a year’s planning is done in spring" (一日之计在于晨, 一年之计在于春).

It is the time to make plans for the entire year. If you had made your New Year resolutions on 1st January, this is a good time to review how far you have come. If you had not managed to make any plans yet, this is another opportunity for you to do so.

Spring spells freshness and life, and with it, hope and power. Time to welcome the dawn of a new life!

Second thing I associate with the Lunar New Year is the massive and thorough Spring cleaning before the New Year. Traditionally, we work to get rid of the old and make way for the new. Everything used for the new year period “should” be new or at least cleaned out thoroughly. One would use new utensils, new curtains, new coat of paint, new clothing and of course new shoes.

From the kitchen to the closets, from the living room to the store room. Every corner is to be scrubbed and cleaned out thoroughly. This is a great practice and it does wonders to me physically, mentally and emotionally.

There’s something very liberating about tidying, organizing, de-cluttering and cleaning. I can do with some spring cleaning now and then.  The cleaning is then followed by decorations, stocking up of food supplies and preparation of the day long feasts!

Third thing I associate with the Lunar New Year is the priority given to Friends and Family. Chines New Year is the time for family reunions and gatherings. This is the peak time for migration of people back to the suburban areas. Do not go near train or bus stations unless you need to go home to your family living outside of town.

Days before the eve of the New Year, work begins to wind down, traffic builds up and the festive mood grows in anticipation of celebration, fun and joy. This is the time where everyone makes conscious effort to leave work temporarily aside and give priority to family, kins and friends.  In China, there is a week-long public holiday.  In Malaysia, most Chinese entrepreneurs take a break of at least a week.

This is the time to be with the family. Once a year, everything stops; family and relationships are consciously placed before work or business.

What does the Lunar New Year mean to me?

Amidst the busy-ness, the hustle and bustle, I look forward to the Lunar Near Year as a time of hope, a fresh start and a time to cherish the ones beside me.  A time for New Year Visits (拜年).  Come celebrate with me. You too can enjoy this Spring Festival! 祝大家

Oh and feel free to press the "share this" button below or retweet it and spread the joy of the Lunar New Year! Your friends will thank you for the digital (online) new year wishes and visit (拜年).

Abundant Financially?

Want Financial Freedom but do not know how to go about it?
How much financial resources do I need to have before I am financial free?

Doubt if this is too far fetched for the man on the street?
Dabbled with investment and was burnt; do not want to risk it again?
Do not have the financial knowledge or resources to consider property investment?

I hear you. Watch this video now.  It is time sensitive with a challenge for you. 

Sign up here for the live preview call

Bring your concerns and questions to the phone seminar. "See" how Michael did it and what strategies and tactics he has for you to consider. So sign up for the call on 11th March and send in your questions.  I look forward to hearing from you!

If you are wondering why there is so much background noise, well this is what happens when I record  diligently with my tools and not plug in the microphone!  Not going to re-record as this is the version I like the most after nth takes. Sorry!

Do pass on the information to someone who may find this helpful.  They will be thankful to you.

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Making Online Videos For Your Online Presence

I like the idea of using video to communicate my message and have been wanting to use videos to reach out to my audience.  However, I have been putting it off forever - even after signing up for a course. That is my negative "self talk" taking me down even before I began!

Good thing is that I finally wised up and experimented with it, followed the steps given and broke the mental barrier I had with video making.

I like it that others can see the slides and images as well as hear the audio so it is easier for them to get the message I want to convery.  It just gives my audience a better overall experience.

Now that I have made a simple web video, I agree that it is really not that hard a thing to do. And the tips given were greatly helpful.  In fact, I am liking video making more as it gets my message out in more than one mode. And music just adds another dimension too. And I hear that video can improve your google ranking, so that's more free traffic. I like traffic,

Basic video making need not be hard nor expensive. There are online tools that will help you get the basic job done. And if you want better effect and quality there are always the paid tools. Watch the videos, the tools are all listed there so you can pick the ones you are more familiar with.

Online video making is actually a fairly straightforward thing to do but if you've never done it before it can seem daunting and overwhelming. Well, recently I received a series of complimentary videos on how to make video that sells.  How cool is that?

Just when I have decided to do more videos, I am noticing more content about video making everywhere. Information from video players to templates and courses.  In NLP terms, they call it the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

Some lessons I learn from my web video making include the following:
1 - Do not give up before I start (big one) 
2 - Be ready to make some mistakes and learn from them
3 - Let go of perfection - concentrate on progress
4 - Following proven instructions cuts my learning time in more than half!
5 - Once I put my heart and mind to doing something, my RAS will be put to work.

In my teacher's term the "Universe will bend back to help me" once my intentions are clear and my mind set and focused

If you too are wanting to find out how to make your own video - just for fun, or to market your services and products, there are lots of resources available.  I find Andy's video a little fast paced, but the good thing is you can always play it back and re-watch it. It has lots of useful tips, choose 2 or 3 to implement, you don't have to do everything he suggest the first time round. Just get your hands dirty.

Whether you are a professional coach, speaker, trainer, solo entrepreneur, work-at- home-mom, an author writing your book or a freelancer, video marketing will take your online presence to a whole new level. This can help you no matter what kind of online business you are building.

So go ahead, make an online video anyway and have fun with it. I recently have my own YouTube Channel - just for fun to see how things work. And you can have yours too. It is really not that hard.  And it feels good to see your own video on line. There is a sense of accomplishment, and you know you can do better with practice.

Ok I can go on and on about this but I need to rush home for my Lunar New Year Reunion Dinner.  If you are celebrating it, "Xin Nian Kaui Le", 新年快了, if not Happy Valentine's Day!  Universe has us all covered!

Affiliate Disclosure: I am happy to be of service to you and share content of value here free of charge. To do this, please note that when you click the links here and participate in the offer, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Rest assured that you are not paying anything more that you normally would. These service providers want to compensate their referral partners.

Now if you find this helpful, feel free to share it or pass it on. Your friends will be grateful for the content you share with them.

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Success Clues

"Salary increase" and "more profits/bonus" sounds like a wish list for 2010.
When you do get the extra cash, do you find yourself spending the extra just as easily and quickly?
We know the answer to that one.

The extra cash never seems to be enough to cover the new credits.

In fact most people who has windfalls tend to lose all that extra cash very quickly. It is also not uncommon for some to find themselves heavily in debts.

How do you manage this thing called finance?
We work hard to save up and when we do make some progress, it seems to slip through our fingers.

Wouldn't it be nice if we can have some clues to not only build up our financial security but also be able to manage it and not have it play trick on us.

If this sounds like a good idea to you, then sign up for a recorded replay of the interview that took place between Louisa Chan and Robert Riopel. That will be clues for thought.

International Trainer Robert Riopel from Canada has been on the stage these past 5 years, teaching success clues over 200 events to over 150,000 people from around the globe. Clues that he gathered through years of struggle and experience.

Robert has overcome various challenges and is passionate to help impact the lives of others. He feels that if he could help one person to accomplish what he has, then the struggles and lessons learned would have been worth while.

Some of us may have met Robert in person before. You are welcome to pass on this invitation to friends and family and all who have met Robert in his previous training. Press the share button and spread the love. 

Additional Information: If you have not listened to the audio recording of the interview with Michael Tan, you can do so here

And by the way, the special offer for this weekend's event will expire by 5pm Friday 19th March. If you have been reading the Star Property, you would have read inspiring testimony of speakers at this weekend's event. You will not only get to meet these inspiring role models, people like you and I, you will also get their autographed books - after you have secured your seat. Once you sign in, you will be directed with instructions if you wish to purchase the tickets.

Full disclosure: I am not an affiliate for promoting the 2-day workshop. But I am inspired by what Michael and his co-hosts are doing and I like to do my part in spreading the word.  I have bought my ticket for this workshop and I hope to see you there!

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

How Do I Know What My Core Values Are?

We talked about having visions aligned with your value.
So how does one know her core values?
Great question. Time for another simple exercise together.

Who is your hero (idol)?
Don't think too much, just name the first person that comes to mind.

Next, ask "What do you admire about him/her?"
Is it her work? Her character? Her contribution?
Again don't think too much, just write it down.

There on your piece of paper you have identified the traits or characters that you admire and and therefore value. These are your core values that you subconsciously cherish and give weight to.

Now you can do this exercise again and ask "Who else do you admire and why?"
Go through and notice if there is any noticeable trend. When you see a few characters or traits recurring, you now know with more certainty the things that you fundamentally value and would like to have in your life (or at least to pursue).

Simple exercise, right? Yet it provides great insight. Now that you know why you admire your hero, I have another question for you.  How is knowing your value going to help you in living a more fulfilling and stress-free life?

Check and see if what you do daily are in alignment with developing the values you have just identified. Things you do at work and at home.  If your life constantly requires you to be or do things that are contrary to the values you cherish, you are going to suffer tension and pressure pulling you in different direction.

Next step: as we build ourselves up on our core values we want to also look for ways to pass on these values to others around us. When we add value to others' lives, we are going to find strength and vitality to live through tiring and challenging days. There will be a joy in our steps even as we go through trials because we know that the present discipline is worthy of the future prize. Our vision will strengthen us to work towards our dream.

However, when there is a conflict between your values and your work or life; you are going to dislike, even resent the things you do and sometimes the person that you are. There will be frustration and pressure and you are not going to be happy.

So make use of today's exercise and find out a little more about the things that you value in your life
. Whether it is a character trait, a thing or a state of being.

Then go live a life of purpose and joy, doing what you like and are passionate about.  And any challenges that come your way will not be perceived as dead ends. Instead, you will find the key to overcome the apparent challenges.  Try it and experience the fulfillment of living in alignment with your core values.

If you find this helpful, please feel free to pass this on. Press "share this" and leave your comments here.

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Humor, Laughter And Stress

Using Laughter And Humor to Manage Stress 

William Fry found that one minute of laughter does an equivalent amount of work as 15 minutes of work out on the rowing machine. Now is that not a fun and effective exercise to do? 

Some studies show that a positive mindset, with a sense of humor and actual laughing help to improve 
outlook in life, gives better health and immune system. A sense of humor and actual laughing is touted to be an effective way to reduce stress. 

Laughing like deep breathing sends fresh oxygen into our cells and organs, pulls our body and facial muscles, changes our heart rate and blood pressure and increases the release of endorphins while reducing cortisol. Thank goodness for laughter that is free and a healthy sense of humor! 

Never mind if you do not feel that there is very much to smile or laugh about. Some researches think that our body cannot tell if the laughter is spontaneous or simulated. So start smiling even when you do not feel like smiling and you can feel better. Start simulating the act of laughing, eh learn to laugh and have a little fun.  Take a lighter stance if you are feeling too serious, uptight or uneasy and see if we feel any differently. 

Laughing, deep breathing replenishes your body with generous gulps of oxygen. And as you laugh more heartily, you begin to relax and see things with a different perspective. Your body then releases endorphins, the feel good chemical that will help you neutralize the sense of pressure and overwhelm. 

Laughing heartily also help you burn up calories (about 50 calories for a good hearty laugh of 15 minutes, according to Maciej Buchowski)! That must be great news for those of us who are wanting to burn more calories! No wonder they say "Laughter is the Best Medicine"!

I have a free report here on how you can simulate laughter to help manage stress. Feel free to make use of and follow the exercises mentioned here and add more laughter and joy into your life — and the life of those around you. 

Make use of humor and laughter as a form of exercise to manage your daily stress, alone or in a group. Wonder if we should start having regular "laughing" time so we can fill up our oxygen supply, burn up some calories and feel a whole lot better. 


Laughter To Release Stress

If you find this helpful and would like to receive more free information on stress management then feel free to opt in here. In any case, here's to your success without the stress! Smile, You are on life's candid camera!

Do you "Like" this article? You can leave your comments and feel free to "share" it with those who may benefit form it. 

Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Smile Reduces Stress

Laughter reduces stress.

How many times have your laughed or smiled today? I hear that children under the age of five smile or laugh up to 300 times a day. No  kidding. You just have to take a look at the kids. Their joy and smiles / laughter will cheer you up; it's contagious. Conversely, an adult laughs maybe about 15 times a day. Some, not even that. They see only the worst in everything. This is so sad.

Here's a 2:02 minute video that will help you release some of the daily stress. Watch it a second time and you will pick up nuggets that you may have missed out the first time round.  

I talk about having fun and using music to release stress in my stress management toolkit. It brings on smiles and laughter.  Singing in a group helps too. Ever wonder why "kara oke" is so popular? Action item for today: Smile. Be happy. Do what you have to do, even if it means making funny faces at yourself in the mirror.

Laughter reduces stress.

Smile when you wake up in the morning and let that set the tone for the day. Let that smile and gratitude sends blood to the organs and cells in your body and positive energy to everyone around you.  

Laughter Cures Stress



Have a great weekend ahead ;-)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bedtime Helpful, Now Get Good Sleep!

Here's a nice little free gadget that will help you get some sleep.

Check it out and let me know how it goes!


Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Secret To Living Happy And Motivated – Support Your Core Values


Core Values And Vision

The past weeks we have looked at dreaming big and achieving meaningful goals. We have also looked at two different exercises that will help us identify our personal and fundamental values in life.

We do that in order to have more clarity on what we are inspired by.  We can then align our decisions and actions to serve these values and live inspired and energized. 

Are you serving your core values?

If you have been following my posts, you would have identified your top 3 values by now. Are you ready for the next exercise? This one will show you whether or not you are serving your core values.

Let’s look at your top 3 values and use "time spent" as one criteria to give us a sense of where you are with these values. What amount of time would you want to spend on activities that support each of your core values? 

Then based on the past week, chart down the amount of time you actually did spend on each of these values.

For example if family, work and health are your top 3 core values, then based on the last week, how much of your waking time was spent in supporting these top 3 values? 

We can take "Family Time" to be time spent being with your family members, doing things together, having discussion or sharing etc.

"Work Time" would include time you take to commute, time spent on the phone or computer doing work after you get home, time spent away from home on work trips etc.

Likewise, you can also decide the "Health" bucket to include time spent on doing groceries for your healthy food, preparing for meals, washing up, time at the gym or time spent meditating etc.

Now compare the two sets of time and see what trend you see.
If the results come as a surprise to you, then what changes would you like to implement? 

Let Your Core Values Be Your Compass

Knowing you values is great; yet these values do not show up in your life and are not realized unless you take actions and make corresponding decisions that support them. Having "love" on top of the list is a good start. Not acting on it or working it out will soon takes its toll and generate a feeling of guilt. The disconnect between your value and your life will cause stress.

We do not want to drift through life reacting to the daily “urgent” matters and be caught up in crisis management mode. We do not want to live in the stress zone where life is spent reacting to what is presented to us by the environment.  We want to be in control and live with purpose and joy

I hope you will take a little time to go through these exercises. The clearer your values and the more willing you are in serving these values the more inspired and purposeful will be your life.  Let your  values be your compass for making everyday decisions.

If you are stressed out or lethargic emotionally and mentally, you can use these short exercise to help you understand how to get back on track and live an inspired, energized and refreshing life again. If you need a little support and coaching, just contact me here. Alternatively, all these tips are discussed at great length in the home study course.


Posted via web from | Louisa Chan

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Seeking Out Your Core Values and How That Relates to Your Productivity and Stress

Your core values drive you subconsciously in most of your decision throughout the day. That is you going on auto-pilot.

I have a simple and quick exercise to help you get past the sense of overwhelm when asked to do overly complicated exercises in identifying core value. I recommend that you do this exercise on a regular basis as you will adopt slight shifts in your core values due to new perspectives and life experiences.

Why do we do a Core Value Analysis?

This self awareness is important so we understand ourselves better. Not knowing our values is like not knowing why we do what we do. Why do I say that?

Although most of us are not fully aware of our core values, these underlying values guide our decision-making process from the food we eat to the actions we take; from the jobs and friends/partners we choose to the level of honor we exhibit in tough situations. They help establish our goals and give us the sense of purpose; they are the unwritten criteria for our daily actions and choices.

Every action we take or not take with regards to time management, relationship and health can be traced back to our core values. Whether you realize it or not, your life is guided by your set of underlying fundamental core values.

What are Core Values?

These are your ethics, underlying beliefs, guiding principles, ideals, your moral compass or code of honor for which you live by. You formed these values while growing up; and you also adopt new values as you learn through life.

How do we identify our Core Values?

Write down all the traits and values that you admire and respect. Let your pen do the writing and do not stop until you have a list of about 30 or more. This is your list of core values. Your list is not comprehensive so feel free to add in any that you have not listed here. To identify your core values, just follow the steps below:

1. From your list, choose 7 of your most fundamental core values

2. Describe and define what they mean to you in your own words

3. On a scale of 1 to 10 describe how aligned you are with these 7 values

4. Choose and prioritize the 3 that you want to work on for the next 3 months.

This is a simplistic way of getting some awareness of what you may be driven by. So now you are aware of the areas of your life that you want to pay more attention to. If you are not sure how to do this, no worries.

I have compiled a report with table and text that will help you do this exercise and you can download that report at the end of this article. The challenge comes when there is a conflict among the different core values. And this happens all the time; working mothers know this very well for they need to juggle work/career while taking care of children, spouse/partner, parents, in laws, and community. Often there is no space left for the self.

What would you choose when there is a conflict of values between loyalty and justice, of family and work, or of self and community?

Not an easy question to tackle. Most people find it helpful to work these work with a coach or mentor.

Surely the answer lies not in ignoring, nor denying. Compromising is not going to be helpful either in the long run.

Most tension and pressure can be traced to these conflicts. The more we understand our top values and the dynamics of how they work within us, the better we can handle that conflict and thus our stress levels, productivity and sense of fulfillment.

So now do you know why you feel stressed out or on top of the world? If you are still not sure of the answer, do not worry, just get yourself a free strategy session of coaching with me and we can sort this out.

If you want the free guide sheet for the core values exercise above, just let me know where to send this to and I will get this to you as soon as possible

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dream Big and Work Hard

We talked about dreaming big in our earlier post.

When we limit ourselves with self-doubt, and self-limiting beliefs, it will be very difficult to push past what we label as “impossible”.

On the other hand, if we only dream outrageous dreams and not act upon them, we will be disappointed with tattered aspirations and broken dreams.

Let’s try another exercise today.

Let's take a piece of paper and draw three columns for your dreams. List down dreams under the ‘I Can Accomplish' column. Then work on the ‘I May Be Able To Accomplish' column and the ‘I Don’t Know How I Can Accomplish’ column.

First column should be easy; you can write down previous accomplishments and those you are confident of achieving. Second column may require some thoughts. Then take your red marker pen, cross out the current title for the third column and write 'What I Need to Do to Accomplish My Dreams'.

When you phrase it this way, you are inviting your mind to give you options. These challenging dreams now become possible endeavors. Instead of shutting it out from your sphere of possibility, you are now opening up new opportunities that you can conquer.

What's stopping you from achieving your dream?
What can you do to overcome these barriers?
You may be surprise at what you come up with for the third column. You will find that the dreams you thought impossible can be achievable with actionable steps. And the impossible begin to seem possible.

You do not need to limit your imagination; nor subdue your passion. Aim high, and start working towards that goal step by step. However, try not to set a goal that you are not willing to work hard towards. Unrealistic goals will disappoint you.

Was it Thomas Edison that said genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration? For one to accomplish his dreams, there has to be had work and discipline. That that 1% has to do with thinking big.

There is no growth unless you stretch yourself. Life is all about growth. Challenge yourself once in a while; get out of your comfort zone. Do something you do not dare to do (within moral and ethical limits) and feel your own potential.

When I feel discourage and uncertain, I go learn something new. I remember a time when I was going through a rough patch. I had wanted to withdraw and be invisible.

Then I thought the best way to counter that is to face my fears and get out of my zone.

I had always loved the water and wanted to dive so I can weave among the corals and swim among the myriad of fish up close. But the thing is I am rather myopic and with astigmatism; I can barely see without my glasses. And I am dead scared of the cold. I sneeze like 19 times every morning. And if I were to learn to dive before I leave Sydney, I would need to do it in the winter as my project was coming to an end.

Well you know the rest of the story. I signed up for class, went for the training and got myself certified. It was very empowering to be able to work towards that goal. Once I got over the mental battle, I looked forward to the pool sessions and going out into the sea in the early morning. It was such a wonderful experience. Apart from having a blast I out grew my unfounded fears and became a different person. And amazingly that power and confidence translates to other areas of my life.

And when you achieve one dream it will fuel you to move towards other dreams with greater certainty. So dream big and ask yourself what skills you need to learn and what new knowledge you need to acquire in order to work towards your dream. In other words, what is your next step? Then just do it! Action is the only thing standing between you and your dream!

If you need a little help in mapping out your dreams and your "how to steps", just write in for a strategy session and start working on achieving your dreams.