Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why facebook page?

Here's a short explanation on the "why"?

Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Life equals Risks

Watch this 1 min video before you throw in the towel. Now, what your next step?

Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

The Best Motivational Video

If you choose life, Live Brilliantly!

Nobody said you must use your hands to play the piano http://bit.ly/bGSdZI

Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Facebook Privacy - A Simple Facebook Guide

Facebook Privacy 101 - For Those Who Have No Time

I know of some friends who would not go onto facebook for fear of going "public". On the other hand there are those who would openly post anything on their (and others') walls!  Because social media is evolving so quickly, "early" adopters are jumping onto it before paying careful consideration to the "what", "why", "how" and "what ifs" of using it in the first place.  

I think social media is a great platform for connecting and communicating with friends and family and even your tribes. However you will need to have a social media strategy in place for using it and the basic consideration would be to have your privacy settings properly looked into. This is a non-negotiable.

  • How do you avoid the "Photo and Video Tags" by others?
  • How do you make your contact information private (I am big on maintaining email privacy and permission based emailing)?
  • And How do you control who can access your albums and photos?
    Watch this short video and get an overview of what you can control. 

    For more information on facebook privacy check this out:

    1. http://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation.php -Screen shots to help you configure you "Basic Directory Information" and "Sharing on Facebook" 
    2. http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-privacy-2009-02   10 basic privacy settings to consider.
    3. More on the "how" of set up

    If we post responsibly and control our settings, I do not see why we should shy away from using facebook as a tool to communicate and connect. For more tips on using facebook, stay tuned. To stay in touch with updates of new videos and tips you can sign up to be on my VIP priority list or subscribe to the Abundant Lives Coaching page. You will find lots of useful tips and inspiring posts/articles prepared for you that may not be made available to the general public. 

    Monday, August 23, 2010

    Facebook 101 - Stress-Free Guide For Newbies

    Facebook 101 - Stress-Free Guide For Those Who Do Not Have Time

    500 million people are using facebook now. They are using it to connect with friends and family as well as to promote their products and services. If you are going to use your facebook account to communicate with different categories of people, there are some useful tips you need to know so you do not upset your "friends" or the guys at facebook.

    Whether you are new to facebook or not, this video (and others on the way) will be helpful to lay the foundation for building out your business, marketing or relationship network.  If you want to get the maximum done with minimal information/training while maintaining privacy and playing within facebook's rules, check this video out.

    1. All you need is One Profile Account. 
    2. Read and follow the terms set out. 
    3. Lay the foundation and build your network slowly and steadily. More on this in coming posts.

    By the way, if you are not on my priority notification list, you can sign up here to get my newsletters so you will be automatically notified of coming tips to help you manage your facebook productivity without stressing out ...

    Sunday, August 22, 2010

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    Why you should really only have One facebook profile account

    Don't risk having your facebook account clamped. They are quite strict with their terms. So how do you deliver different messages to different friends on facebook? Watch this simple video and implement it http://bit.ly/cButeM  

    Watch out for more tips and let me know if this was helpful!

    Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

    Friday, August 20, 2010

    Support Hospis Malaysia

     my brother Ornan Chan is shaving his head bald to raise fund --> http://bit.ly/ankmwi  You can contact him directly to support his course! Thank you!

    Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Confront or Avoid? Your Choice ...

    One builds you up and the other drags you down ... http://aweber.com/b/jZ6W

    Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

    Confronting Vs Avoiding - Be Congruent And Authentic

    To All Who Are Committed To Be Congruent And Authentic

    As I was going through my journal this week I came across this coaching tool which I researched on and designed for my paper; a tool I call "Confronting Versus Avoiding". The experiences this past week help me see the importance of confronting once again; a timely tool to address the issue of being authentic and transparent.

    When we are faced with challenges, mistakes, limitations, uncertainties, fears, doubts or new ventures, we have two choices: we can either confront the issues or we can avoid it and play the denial and blame game. 

    And we often don’t confront the issues because we want to avoid the uncomfortable, the inconvenient and the challenging.

    We avoid by pretending that the issues do not exist or we conceal and cover up the issues or worse yet we make excuses and come up with stories so convincing to ourselves that we do not need to face the truth. We bury the issues under the cloaks of pretense, denial, justification and put on a “all is well” front.

    When we do that, we are cheating ourselves of the freedom to be who we can be, we are compromising our greater and true self for a moment of arrogance and foolishness. And if we allow those around us to do that then we are not serving their best interests.

    Confronting does not have to be fierce nor rough. It is standing in front of issues and facing them. Know however that:

    • Confronting issues moves us forward; avoiding issues keep us exactly where we are.
    • Confronting issues illumines, reveals and conquer; avoiding issues conceals, hides.
    • Confronting issues empowers us; avoiding issues dis-empowers us.
    • Confronting issues is on the offense and helps us gain new ground; avoiding issues is defensive. We lose grounds as we back away and shrink from attending to the issues at hand. We withdraw into the familiar comfort zone for safety and stagnation. 

    How many times have we held back the truth because it was inconvenient to do otherwise? “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say”.

    How many times have we said one thing and meant/did another? "Say what you mean and mean what you say."

    When you are in business, the truth will find you out slowly but surely. Clients value integrity and congruence and they will only come to you if then can sense authenticity and integrity. On a personal front, denial and avoidance will cost you your true self, it will eat you up. You will
    suffer low self-esteem; tension and emotional stress will arise and you do not want that to happen.

    If we play the avoidance and denial game, we will shrink into oblivion in purpose, mission and self-worth in our own eyes

    Do not rob yourself of the chance to live free, powerful and authentic. Be the great person that you are meant to be.

    We are all imperfect beings on our journey of growth.

    Yet we require of ourselves and our friends transparency and perfection in intent and effort. There are many times I rather sit back and not stand in front of issues, yet I cannot and I must not; for others as well as for myself.

    Do you want to 
    build your confidence and self-esteem? Or your business? Awareness is the first step to transformation and unless we accept and admit that we need to move forward; transformation and transition can not take place. What choices will you make today?

    "If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters." ~Alan Simpson.

    Thursday, August 12, 2010

    Find your core values with these weird exercises

    Here's your ree exercises http://bit.ly/cAr7gY

    A gift from Coach Louisa aka Louisa Chan! 

    Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Aug Q&A Group Coaching Call

    Block out Wed 11th Aug 2010 6pm US PT (9pm ET)/Thur 12th Aug 9am Malaysian Time for our next free Q&A/Group Coaching Call for Aug.

    Come to the call from the comfort of your home just as you are and:
    - Bring your most pressing questions or frustrating issues or 
    - Bring your wins and celebrations or
    - Bring your challenges for some strategies and groups support

    This is an interactive live call so web cast will not be enabled. 
    There is no cost to joining this call except for your normal phone charges to a bridge line in the US.

    Register here and reserve your seat. Details of the call will be sent to you soon after you confirm your registration. Talk soon!

    Feel free to bring long a friend as this is an open outer-circle event.

    Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Go Get It!

    Dedicated to All Who Have Dreams

    Got a Dream? Go for it!
    Here's a 50-second reminder to set the tone for the day.  

    "Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something."

    "You got a dream you got to protect it.
    People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you you can't do it."

    "You want something? Go Get It." Period.
    Tough huh? And that is how it is going to be. Success demands discipline and commitment, chocolate soldiers will melt under the sun - sorry but that's what will happen. Be as bamboo, touch and flexible, go with the flow when you need to but bamboo does not break nor give in ...

    Get Get Your Dream!Keyword is Protect it and Go Get it!
    We see action involved here as well as initiative. There is also cost and risks. 

    All the visualization and all the hyped up energy will not get us anywhere if there is no planning or active participation in the Game. So what are you waiting for?

    Just 2 questions: 
    What Game would you want to play? and 
    Are you In the Game?"

    Nobody can take your Dream away from you, - unless you give them power to ...

    Remember there are 3 groups of people:
    Those who Make Things Happen,
    Those that Watch Things Happen and
    Those that Wonder What Happened ...
    We get to choose which group we want to belong to.

    And just note why we may be choosing one over another. We may be at different places in our journey of self discovery and empowerment and "Awareness" is key to development and progress. A little mirroring does a lot of good. If you need a sounding board, or a little mirroring just get in touch.

    Protect Your Dream, Go Get It, It does not happen by itself! 

    Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    Playing To Win

     If you pay safe, you may be missing the game entirely http://aweber.com/b/QFoO

    Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan

    Monday, August 2, 2010

    Be Big, Be Who You Can Be

    Dedicated to All Who Are Ready To Experience Magic In Their Lives

    I was at a high impact, intensive 7-Day workshop with Blair Singer the past week and throughout the workshop we were challenged to be a bigger person, do greater work with bigger impact. Mind you, this was a workshop on Sales and Leadership but the beautiful thing with Blair's work is that he often works on personal development as he teachers business development.  

    I will not be able to share all the transformations that have taken place in me and those around me here but these are going into my journal for sure. Most were pretty obvious and some were quite dramatic. 

    Here's a song that came to mind as I think of the past week. Love the lyrics and I too hope that "You can strive to be more than what you think you can be". That "All of your dreams are only a heartbeat away and that the answers are all up to you". The power is in your hands, you are in control, you just need to decide and do it. "Seize that one moment in time and Make It Shine". 




    3 years ago I participated in the same workshop with Blair and I can see how that has prepared me for my work the last few years. From a content person (aka "expert professional") he showed me the importance of selling - which later led to an unsolicited online sales job with a virtual educational institution (in which I did quite well). This time round I am at a different place and I am so very glad I participated and learned from one of the greatest Teacher and Facilitator live in person and be coached by him personally from the stage.

    Blair and his workshops are not for the fainthearted. He turned up the heat day by day within the context of a safe environment and it forces you to either move forward and be transformed or to want to bail out. For those who believe they have potential that have yet to be unleashed, this is the workshop I recommend you consider.

    This is where I learned what pertubation process in life means. T
    here is no need to panic or be stressed-out when things are in chaos and when the pressures are great. When that happens just know that pertubation and transformation is about to take place and that you will be a bigger person when you push through the pressures. 

    If I have to use one sentence to summarize the entire workshop it would be this: "If you want to play the game of life, get into the game and Play Big". The world needs you. There is no value in being small, to you or to those around you. So Be Big, Be Who You Can Be!!

    Posted via email from AbundantLivesCoaching.com | Louisa Chan