Friday, December 31, 2010

How Will This New Year Be Different?

OK so this is the last day of the year! How will you be ushering in this new year?

I did a quick 5-minute audio that talks about new year resolutions and getting desired results in 2011.

Knowing the 4-stages of learning and where we are will shed some light on what we can do about our ‘projects’.

Enjoy the audio and I guess it is Happy New Year to You!!

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Drug Industry And What They Do Not Want You To Kn

Is there a need to detox? Well, watch this video. See how toxins enter out body and how it has been accumulating. Also note that the natural process of digestion and will also generate toxins internally.

When we adopt a healthy lifestyle, we can regularly cleanse the body of toxins and builds up the immune system. You have read the toxic side of food as well as the 5 detox scam.


Now this video presents you with more third party information. You can decide the validity of this.



For more information on food danger and industry scams click here  -->  I am not a medical doctor but I have a free report here that you may be interested to read - no opt in required) for limited time only - I will take this down in a couple of days)


Monday, December 27, 2010

Did You Have A Merry Christmas?

How was your Christmas?

The lights and the tree is still happily shining, the gathering and meals are done (except for the cleaning up), the presents wrapped and opened, and hey, it's boxing day already!

  So how do you measure you Christmas? Here's a thought for you [... read more here].

 Christmas - Hope, Love, Joy and Peace



Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Friday, December 24, 2010

Not Perfect But I Am Sharing Joy This Season

It's Christmas Eve already? Unbelievable!

I took some random raw footage of Christmas in KL which I posted onto my facebook pages. In case you did not have a chance to visit those pages, here are the short videos.

It's no where near perfect - all taken while I was on the go so you'll see abrupt shaking shots but I do want to share Christmas cheers with you ..."" src="" height="300" alt="" width="400" style="background-color: #ffffcc; background-image: ; background-position: 50% 50%; border: 1px dotted #cc0000;" />

And another video here. If you are stressed, remember that the message is greater than the gift. Smile, this is always well received and will most probably soften any tension/pressure.

Where ever you are, and whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I am sending you wishes of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace and Abundance for the year ahead.

May you and your loved ones soak in the wonders and miracles of Christmas. Christmas has a way of transforming hearts!


Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Christmas Greetings

Merry Christmas from Natural Body Detox Now! Enjoy your time with family and friends and remember to detox after!



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hidden Danger In Your Food And What Food To Avoid In 2011

I've got 2 great gifts here for you from my friend Yuri that will help you lose more, weight, eat healthier, and detoxify your body from years of toxin build-up effectively and safely.

As I have shared, our stress level is directly related to the lifestyle we live ie food we eat (or not eat), activities 
we do (or not do) and mindsets we choose to keep....

With New Year's just around the corner, most of us will be looking to cleanse our body from excess weight packed
on over the holidays and to feel better overall to start 2011.

But the problem is there is dangerous detox scams that give short-term, if any, results. Not to mention the toxic
food that is marketed as healthy food.

I think these 2 reports will help you recognize which detox diets to avoid and what to look for in a healthy,sustainable cleansing solution.

Along with this report, you'll also get one of the best nutrition reports called "The Toxic Side of Food", in which you will discover the 8 most toxic foods in our food supply. 

You can grab these 2 reports without paying a single dollar if you do so before this Thursday December 23 US ET.

Here's what you can expect from these 2 free reports:

- The #1 thing Preventing your body from releasing unwanted fat.

- The scary truth about sugar and how to eradicate sugar cravings once and for all!

- The nasty tricks big food companies are using to keep you fat and unhealthy!

- The drugs you don't even know is in your foods and what it's doing to your liver, adrenal glands, and overall health.

- 5 dangerous detox scams that you must avoid (you may have already falling prey to one or more of them??), including the most popular (yet dangerous) one used by several top celebrities!

Get these 2 reports and you will be on your way to healthier 2011. You may be surprised to see what is on page 12 (in the Toxic Side of Food report) about the relationship between sugar and mineral balance in the body...

And Chapter 3 will certainly get your attention too as one of the most commonly consumed foods that is slowly but surely making our population fatter, less healthy, and predisposing us to bone problems is revealed.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Making Online Video With Screen Casting

Screen Capture Video

screencast21 Making Online Video With Screen Casting

Sreen Casting like a Pro

Screencast video can be great …you just record what’s on your computer screen.

You don’t have to worry about video cameras, lighting or even what you look like. And they can be just as powerful …sometimes even more powerful…than regular on-camera video.

But Screen Cast video can also be confusing, intimidating and frustrating.For most people, their screencast videos come out looking fuzzy, distorted, hard to see, hard to hear…or…all of the above.

The good news is you don’t need to worry about those things anymore. That’s because Dave from Web Video Univeristy is going to show you…step by step…exactly what you need to do to create dazzling, crystal-clear, great looking and great sounding screencast videos.

Click here to find out how to do this like a pro

Screencast Making Online Video With Screen Casting

Screencast course discount valid till 26th Dec

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Toxic Foods Plus 5 Detox Scams to Avoid in 2011 (Instant Download)

My good friend and well-known holistic nutritionist, Yuri Elkaim has just blown the lid on some pretty dangerous foods and detox scams that you should avoid – at all costs – this coming year.


Just in time for the holidays, he’s put together 2 incredibly generous reports that shed light on the reality of the foods you’re eating.


It will also expose some of the biggest detox scams that have already affected millions of well-intentioned people.


Plus, you’ll learn how to make the healthiest start to 2011.


You can grab these 2 reports without paying a single dollar before this Thursday December 23.


Here’s what you can expect from these 2 free reports:

- The #1 thing PREVENTING your body from releasing unwanted fat.

- The scary truth about sugar and how to eradicate sugar cravings once and for all!

- The nasty tricks big food companies are using to keep you fat and unhealthy!

- The drugs you don’t even know is in your foods and what it’s doing to your liver, adrenal glands, and overall health.

- 5 dangerous detox scams that you must avoid (you may have already falling prey to one or more of them?)

And so much more!


You can get more details here

tcleanse2011 Toxic Foods Plus 5 Detox Scams to Avoid in 2011 (Instant Download)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa offers Chia Seed?

It must be Christmas that prompts all these good will discounts and offers.

I came across this and I had to quickly pass it on as it is expiring soon.

Here's Santa offering you chia seed, a form of Omega 3 supply for your body. 
Full details here

Toxic Foods Plus 5 Detox Scams to Avoid in 2011 (Instant Download)

My good friend and well-known holistic nutritionist, Yuri Elkaim has just blown the lid on some pretty dangerous foods and detox scams that you should avoid - at all costs - this coming year.

Just in time for the holidays, he's put together 2 incredibly generous reports that shed light on the reality of the foods you're eating.
It will also expose some of the biggest detox scams that have already affected millions of well-intentioned people.
Plus, you'll learn how to make the healthiest start to 2011.

You can grab these 2 reports without paying a single dollar before this Thursday December 23.

Here's what you can expect from these 2 free reports:
- The #1 thing PREVENTING your body from releasing unwanted fat.
- The scary truth about sugar and how to eradicate sugar cravings once and for all!
- The nasty tricks big food companies are using to keep you fat and unhealthy!
- The drugs you don't even know is in your foods and what it's doing to your liver, adrenal glands, and overall health.
- 5 dangerous detox scams that you must avoid (you may have already falling prey to one or more of them?)
And so much more!

Natural Body Detox
I have to tell you...
When I read these reports I was surprised that Yuri is giving this stuff away!

I don't think he will keep this offer up for long.

Like me, Yuri is very passionate about helping you eat and live healthier.
In fact, he's already helped 30,000 people around the world accomplish these goals.

I was especially 'enlightened' by what he revealed on page 12 about the relationship between sugar and mineral balance in the body.
And Chapter 3 even had me taking notes as he demystified one of the most commonly consumed foods that is slowly but surely making our population fatter, less healthy, and predisposing us to bone problems.
I'm telling you, this information is golden.

Here's to a healthy and happy holiday season!

Why is Yuri giving some of his best work away?
Well, tis the season, right? At least that what he told me.
He wants to give you the gift of better health.
Is that fair?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Are You Mobile Ready? If not you may want to hurry up

What's happening in 2011? 

Everything is trying to predict. But one this is quite sure.

There will be more people buying mobile phones (smart or dumb) and that is when things get exciting ...

Click here to watch this short video, it will get you excited.

It's the festive season, share the gift of knowledge!







Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Smile! You'll Live Longer And Happier

Snowman 4You may not be on candid camera but Smile anyway, but make it a genuine smile.

If you need the 'scientific research', it is available.

The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that women who displayed the Duchenne smile in their college yearbook photos had greater levels of well-being and marital satisfaction three decades later. Another study published this year in Psychological Science went further to make a connection between smiles and longevity.

They found that professional baseball players who sported Duchenne smiles (honest smiles) in their yearbook photo were only half as likely to die, in any given year, as those who had not.


Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Feeling The Holiday Stress? How Can Coaching Help?

It's the time of the year again! Traffic is congested, people are impatient, everybody's busy and rushing around either to finish up year end projects or to prepare for the festive celebrations.

While the children are happily anticipating gifts and fun the adults are trying to make this yet another perfect Christmas amidst the financial cutbacks. Have you started working on that check list for all the things you need to do to be ready for the holidays? Tickets? Shopping? Cards? Food!

And most important of all, are you emotionally prepared to meet the entire extended family? While most people look forward to connecting with friends and family at this time of the year some may be silently wishing that they can have some quietness by themselves.

This can be a particularly difficult time for you if you are having the first Christmas without your love ones. The first time you do anything will be difficult, so I have some tips that may help you. If you are feeling any of the above, please feel very welcome to join me in this week's Stress Relief Tips seminar.

I'll share with you how you can face the next few weeks with more certainly and be ready for that celebration and that gathering. Register for the public call here and feel the difference after.

I will approach this from the angle of Coaching following on from where we left off last week. Some people ask what coaching is and exactly how that can help in everyday life.

So this week I will share with you 'how' Coaching can help. Different people have different understanding of what coaching is - I don't think a definition will be helpful here. I much rather you feel the difference after a coaching session than enter into an academic discussion of what coaching is.

So if you have any specific questions send them in, if not come anyway, I have something prepared for you. It will be great if you can join us for the live call, if not register anyway and you will have access to the recorded replay.

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Monday, December 6, 2010

Vegetables Taste Good!


Vegivores will testify that vegetables actually taste good!

Is vegivorism the newest version of culinary enlightenment?

Whether it is or not, you'll feel the health benefits!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tips to Make Things Happen

Here's some tip on making sure things happen - what Eben Pagan would call setting yourself up for inevitable success. 


Click here for the tips Overcome Fear and Anxiety by Making it Your Only Option


Ok so if you want to state your intentions here, you may just make things happen in your life too today! I can add mine here too if you like to get this rolling ...

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Replay For Seminar On Using NLP & Coaching To Manage Stress Is Now Ready

I had a great time chatting with my friend Dania and the event is now over.

But as a special gift to you for indicating that you are interested in the event but was not able to join us on the live call, I am giving you access to the recorded replay of the conversation – for a limited time onlLife Coaching



NLP and Coaching To Help You Succeed
NLP and Coaching To Help You Succeed


Just leave me your details here and I will send you details for getting the audio. When you click on the link you will see a little box where you can leave you name and email address.

Follow the online help and make sure to check your Inbox for a mail from Louisa with the subject line “Response Required …’

You will need to open that mail and click on the link in the mail to confirm that you really do want the interview audio before I send that to you.

The audio will be available until midnight Sat US EST (4th Dec). After that I will be sending you information on our next call.

Next week I will continue on this topic and will share with you how professional coaching can help you manage your self talk, your stress, your 'issues'.  Coaching not in the sense of having someone breathe down your neck or yell at you.

It is also not having some read out some pre written scripts to you regardless of what challenges you are facing. Proper coaching is personal and often 'custom made'.

You will not be forced into a mold or 'model' in my world of coaching. My clients will tell you that often times I let them lead the way ...

Ok so make sure you take time to listen to this audio asap.

And watch out for the next call on Wed 8th Dec, it is going to be worth it, no kidding, I have something planned for you.

Posted via email from | Louisa Chan